Ok, so I've been absent for year. Give me a break and I’ll try to be better
this year. I just got back from the
“Woodworking in America” conference in beautiful downtown Covington,
Kentucky. And it inspired me to both
revitalize this blog and stretch my wwing abilities. First off, it was a great conference. It’s always great to reunite with old friends
and make new ones. The one big takeaway
for me was a class I attended by Silas Koph on marquetry. It is defiantly something I am going to
explore in the next few months/years.
For more on the conference please see my blog roll. There are a number of great posts on WIA13
that really capture the event better than I ever could.
So, what have being doing the past
year? Well, I did build the Bob Lang
boxes for Christmas presents. Next up,
was some shop improvements, namely the sharpening station and helical head upgrade
for my Jet Jointer/Planner. Below are a few pics of some of the
things I've been doing.

The EMC is designed around my Outlaw Audio
200 watt by 7 channel amplifier. This
beast is big and heavy (approx. 100 lbs.).
I completely pre-finished all the base components prior to glue-up. Currently, I am working on the top and the
magnetically secured back panels. The
top is giving some issues at the moment.
When I returned from WIA I found that it had decided to cup by about
3/32”. I am trying a number of solutions
to correct it. I’ll go over my results
and final outcome in the next post.
Thanks for stopping by,