Well, the Greene & Greene inspired Corner
China Cabinet has morphed into two projects; a new Dining Table for our Breakfast
Nook and the China Cabinet. I believe I will
start on the Dining Table first. We just
need something simple, so it should go fast (famous last words). All of my kitchen cabinets near the Breakfast
Nook are all maple and I would like to introduce some darker woods into the
area. So I have decided to make the
table top out of cherry and the legs and aprons out of maple in a simple shaker
style. Below are the SketchUp models I have
come up with so far. Any and all comments
are welcome.

As for the G&G Corner China Cabinet, I still have a few
issues to work out. I may, or may not,
need some embellishments on the side posts that become the feet. And I’m still working out what type of hinges
I want to use for the door. For my
G&G Jewelry Cabinet (see blog archive) I used SOSS hinges. While I liked the incognito appearance
and functionality, I found them quite fussy to install. Call me a blasphemer, but I would really like
to use some soft-close blum euro hinges for this. I believe they would support the heavy door
and could be adjusted down the road for any sagging. But I don’t believe they make any models that
would work with the design I have so far.
Please let me know if you have a solution or better idea.
I hope to get started soon and will post with updates. Last weekend I purchased most of the wood I’ll
need for both projects. It has had
almost a week to acclimate to my shop environment, so I will probably start
milling the boards for the dining table this weekend.
Thanks for stopping by,